The Qanat (Kariz) of Kish or Aqueduct of Kish dates back to 2500 years ago and is one of historical places in Kish island , Iran .The Qanat is located 16 m under the ground and its ceiling is covered by oysters and corals . It’s vastness is over 10000 square meters. Nowadays the qanat is changed to an underground city.
author of photo: alirezaseydabady
author of photo: alirezaseydabady
Before the Roman aqueduct, the people of pre-Islamic Iran had developed their own hydraulic system called a qanat. A qanat is a series of vertical wells, built along a gentle slope to filter water toward arid areas. The Kish Qanat is an excellent example of this ancient technology and provides visitors with an opportunity to get face to face with the infrastructure of this amazing hydraulic system.
The Kish Qanat is over 2,500 years old and filters water from the mountains to the dry valleys below through layers of the coral that comprise the island’s foundation. Kish is one of the only islands in the world that is made up of coral, and tunneling into the earth there allows for a unique look at the usually underwater specimen.
Sixteen meters below the coral island, a series of tunnels near the wells snake through the earth for more than five miles. As the tunnels cut below the world, the Kish Qanat begins to look more like a massive underground city. Lately, architects hoping to draw tourists to the attraction have embraced that idea even more.
Along with the historic coral walls around the qanat, workers have reinforced the tunnels with mortar and stone to create a subterranean world. Soon, visitors can peruse an update on the early hydraulic system that will feature vendors selling typical Iranian gifts along with a few subterranean restaurants and an amphitheater. Strangely enough, the unique historic element of the island is slowly mimicking its inner tourism side.
author of photo: alirezaseydabady
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ReplyDeleteunusual news stories
It is truly magnificent - But i see a place for the visitors not for the magic that works it path round and down taking the water from on high to down low. I see a place that is infused with shadows and shafts of light. Many years ago this would have had a darkness from ancient wonders like all good chasms. I wonder if anyone has pictures of 0real water flowing. - that would be superb.
ReplyDeleteIt's fascinating to learn about the ancient hydraulic system and how it has been transformed into an underground city.