
Awesome megaliths and rock formations of Lajedo de Pai Mateus, Brazil

The Lajedo de Pai Mateus is a rock formation located in the city of Cabaceiras, in the state of Paraíba (Brazil).Unfortunately ,i could`t find any information about this giant megalithic wall,how old it is and who built it.If anyone have any knowledge and informations about,please share it in comment.

The lajedo is located about 25 km from the town of Cabaceiras (access by dirt road) and is situated inside a private property, the Fazenda Lajedo Pai Mateus Hotel.

The large rounded stones (weighing 45 tons) stand out on the stone floor and the scarce vegetation of the region of Cariri Paraibano.

Special thanks to Celso Carpinetti , without him it would`t be possible to make this article.


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    1. Svasta,iz nepoznatog razloga,vas komentar je nestao,a uspeo sam da ga procitam srecom putem mejla.Molio bih vas da mi ponovo ostavite adresu vaseg bloga i kontakt podatke,bilo bi mi zadovoljstvo :)
